What to Pack in a Baby Changing Bag

The first outing with your baby can be a little scary and overwhelming. It can take a long time to get everybody ready and before you know it your baby needs a feed or changing. We understand that it can be tricky to remember everything you need to take with you or even know what to take. 

Amongst a hectic life with a baby, a changing bag is an invaluable part of your baby essentials kit. Your changing bag is your lifeline when out and about with your little one and when packed correctly, it means you can have an enjoyable day with your baby. 

Nappy bag essential

Let’s talk about changing bag essentials. It’s funny that a changing bag is called that because it does way more than store nappies. There are so many things that will make your life easier with a baby if you just take them with you and here are the things we think you’ll need. 

Nappy changing essentials

No doubt your baby will need changing when you’re out and here are the things we recommend you take with you: 

  1. Foldable changing mat
  2. Wipes
  3. Nappies
  4. Nappy bags

Make sure you take enough of everything so you aren’t scrambling around trying to buy some when you’re out. 

Creams and medicines

It’s a great idea to have nappy creams in your bag just in case your little baby needs them. Another thing to remember is suncream. please note don’t use suncream on young babies, keep them in the shade and it is considered safe to use once your baby reaches 6 months old. 

Secondly, take any medication your baby needs. Some parents use gripe water or Infacol for babies that suffer from colicky symptoms. Always read the labels of the bottle before giving it to your baby but they’re handy to have in your changing bag. 

Change of clothes

Babies can go through several clothing changes per day because they often dribble or spit up. Taking bibs with you will save on changing their clothes as regularly, but it’s always helpful to have a space change of clothes just in case the clothes they’re wearing are unsalvageable. Muslin clothes and wraps are also great for mopping up any little spills. 

At times, your baby’s nappy can leak which will mean you’ll need to put your baby in a full change of clothes to keep them clean, dry and avoid nasty rashes. In addition to this, if you’re out for the day, the great British weather can change very quickly. If you have dressed your little one for summer and the weather changes, you’ll want to put them in something more appropriate to keep them warm and dry. 

Snacks or milk

Babies get hungry regularly. If your baby is only on milk make sure you take enough formula with you to get them through the day. Most cafes or coffee shops will be happy to provide you with boiling water for your formula. 

Alternatively, if your little one is over 12 months old and you have transitioned them to cow’s milk or an alternative, make sure you take enough milk and use a milk cooler to keep it at the right temperature. If you’re weaning your baby, make sure you take food and snacks that are appropriate for their age as it can be tricky for cafes and restaurants to accommodate younger babies unless you’re going to one that states otherwise. 

Dummies and bottles

If you have chosen to use a dummy, make sure you have plenty with you as they are like gold dust and seem to vanish easily. The last thing you need is a screaming baby that wants their dummy but they have dropped it on the floor and you have no spares. This can spoil a lovely family day out. 

Don’t forget your bottles either. Some parents put their baby formula or milk in a different container and transfer it to a bottle when it’s needed. If you like to do this, don’t forget your bottles or your baby won’t be able to drink them. 


If you know you’re going to be out for a while and in a place where your little one might need some stimulation, taking toys with you can be the difference between having a lovely lunch with a friend in a cafe to rushing through your food to comfort your crying baby. 

We have a great range of baby toys that are suitable for outings such as this stroll arch and spiral toy.   

Phone numbers and emergency contacts

This might seem a little silly given that you probably have this information stored on your phone. But if you need help or advice quickly when you have your baby with you, it can be overwhelming and you might struggle to juggle everything as well as your phone. 

If you pack a little wallet inside your changing bag with phone numbers such as for your health visitor, midwife (if you’re still seeing your midwife postpartum), family member contact numbers or your doctor’s surgery, it’ll make things more efficient when you need them. In addition to this, remember to have your breakdown cover phone number handy if you’re travelling anywhere by car. 

Your essentials 

With all the things you need to remember for your baby, it’s really easy to forget about yourself but you need things too and you need things that will help make life easier with your baby. Always try to spare a minute or two for yourself before leaving the house to make sure that you have everything you need so you can enjoy a pleasant day out too.

Here is a list of essentials that you might need to pack: 

  1. Breast pads, a breast pump or a breastfeeding shawl (if using)
  2. Cleaning wipes or something to clean bottles and dummies with
  3. Your phone, keys and wallet or purse
  4. Snacks and a drink (it can sometimes be too hectic to sit down to eat and drink so always have something in your bag, just in case)
  5. Self-care items like lip balm, sun cream for yourself and hand cream
  6. A book for those moments when your baby is asleep and you find yourself enjoying some peace and quiet. 

And anything else that will make you feel more secure and safe during your outing with a baby. 

Choosing a changing bag 

You might think that all changing bags are the same and it’s just the style and colour to consider but that isn’t the case. Changing bags offer different features; some are backpacks, some have a carry strap, some have one large pocket whilst others have several smaller compartments. 

Here we have some examples of our favourite changing bags that we stock, so you can choose which one will best suit your needs. Please note that if you buy a complete travel system that includes everything you need to travel around with your newborn, they often include a matching changing bag in the set. 

For example, this Silver Cross Reef travel system comes with a stunning leather rucksack changing bag and this Egg 9-piece travel system also comes with a matching backpack. 

BabaBing Mani Backpack Changing Bag 

BabaBing are experts in changing bags so we gladly introduce to you the Mani Backpack Changing Bag. This is a multi-functional changing bag giving you the ‘best of both worlds’ in terms of using the changing bag as a conventional tote style or Backpack changing bag.

The Mani Backpack has been designed not only to be multi-functional but also unisex allowing both parents to use the changing bag whenever and wherever whilst on the go! The deep main section of the changing bag allows a multitude of items to be packed in the changing bag allowing essential items such as; nappies, wipes, creams, clothing, muslins and toys to be included within the bag for a full day out. 

One of the main features encompassing the Mani Backpack is the inclusion of 2 x Bottle Holders. The changing bag has been designed with an external bottle holder, as well as a detachable bottle holder for added flexibility. 

Babymel Georgi Eco Convertible Backpack

Made from recycled plastic bottles, this caramel leopard backpack is a convertible changing bag that not only helps the planet but supports happy nappy changes too. It is lightweight and packed full of features. It is water resistant so the outer material and lining can be easily wiped clean. 

The changing bag has side pockets, a wide opening with a zipper close, seven internal and external pockets, including an insulated bottle pocket as well as a padded changing mat. 

Now you’re ready to enjoy a fantastic day out with your newborn! Follow the advice in this post the first time that you pack your changing bag and most things don’t need to be taken out again unless they need to be replenished. Be prepared, pack your back and have a lovely day. 

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