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Doorway bouncers were once one of the most popular items you could buy for your little one – perfect for popping your baby in whilst you did jobs around the house, knowing they were happy bouncing around. Still used occasionally, they can be a good option for keeping your little one entertained for short periods of time – however, we don’t recommend extended periods of time. As with walkers, doorway bouncers aren’t always great for development so it is best to do your research and speak to your GP if you are at all concerned.
It is important to teach a little one to develop confidence in their movements. One way to achieve this is by using doorway bouncers. The accessories offer plenty of support, making them ideal for children who are still growing. However, they must only be used by babies who can support their own heads as they do not offer complete postural surrounds. This means most doorway bouncers can be used from the age of six months, with the recommended maximum age limit being around a year.
This will differ depending on the child, so pay attention to the baby's current developmental phase, as some may grow out of a doorway bouncer quicker than others.
Babies have a seemingly never ending sense of curiosity which means keeping them engaged is important. A doorway bouncer is an excellent way to achieve just that as it provides an amusing activity for young babies to undertake.
Doorway bouncers are designed to allow parents to focus on other tasks whilst a baby is still able to move around safely. The bouncer uses a secure fixing system, which ensures they cannot move out of place. The benefits are not only entertainment but also education as using a bouncer teaches babies to independently self-soothe. It’s also a great form of early exercise and starts to build a connection between a baby's feet and movement which is the first step of learning to walk.
Each doorway bouncer is provided with detailed instructions to be sure to always follow these before letting a baby play. Most systems include a spring-loaded door frame clamp which can be snuggly installed to any opening.
Once installed, the bouncer will need to be fully adjusted to suit the tiny user's height and weight. Many designs include a plastic separator that stops straps from getting twisted, so this must be securely in position.
Always be sure to test the load-bearing aspects of the bouncer before it’s good to use.
As is the case for many childcare accessories, babies should never be left alone when using a doorway bouncer. They should also be securely fastened to the seat, plus the system must be checked to ensure everything is central before use.
As a child grows, the adjustments will also need to be amended to guarantee safe play, so always be sure to see how your baby currently fits before letting them go ahead and start bouncing. Finally, be sure that the door and frame do not show any signs of wear or damage.
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